
Best Plan Pro Reviews

Here are some reviews of Best Plan Pro.

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Best Plan Pro is simply the best underwriting software available to independent agents. No matter how complex the underwriting case is, Best Plan Pro can tell you with almost perfect accuracy what carrier will accept your client as well as the rating class, just in a few clicks. I highly recommend the product for agents needing additional help underwriting their final expense prospects.

David Duford, davidduford.com

I've grateful Ric and his team have finally created a software program that helps with FE underwriting. It saves me at least 30 minutes per case and allows me to be a better insurance adviser to my clients.

Joe T., Florida

Best Plan Pro has been a game changer for me and my team. Being able to have a system in place that gives us a quick and consistent answers is amazing. Its increasing our persistency and making the team place business quicker and help more clients. Big win all around recommend this to every agent that onboard with me.

Nate D., Nebraska

Ready to try it yourself?

This software is necessary in my opinion. When a client hands you a printed list of medications you need to check carriers for after you already checked medical conditions, the time saved is money! Time is money in this business. They aren’t getting nervous about being accepted for coverage and we aren’t becoming frustrated. Thank you, Best Plan Pro for taking the guesswork out of my job!

Neesi L., Pennsylvania


Thank you BEST PLAN PRO,
I would of never used Mutual of Omaha before for the combination of Rx’s and ailments this client had.
I wrote contract late Friday afternoon.
Now that’s impressive. Thanks again Ric and your brainchild.

Pete G., North Carolina

Love this program. It has made a huge difference in my business.

Dean B., California

Ready to try it yourself?

I used Best Plan Pro in the field and it worked like magic. I got a deal I normally would have gotten because I was 100% sure some medications would knock out my customer.  Best Plan Pro said good to go and it was right.  Wow.  Thank you.

Robert R., California

Saves me a ton of time underwriting. I'm doing telesales so it only takes a couple minutes to load their info in and get a result in even the most complex individual. You don't have a long awkward silence while they are waiting for you to finish.

Michael C., Iowa

Most apps I had over a 90%+ placement ratio. Before [Best Plan Pro] I was at 70%

Michael C., California

This is the most wonderful tool!  My time in the home has been cut in half with Best Plan Pro, and gives me credibility with my clients.

Renee S., Ohio

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